Tell your story
What are they used for?
Patient and carer stories help us to understand how we can make things better and what matters to you. They also help us make sure that services are person centered and support and treatment is build around the persons needs.

Who can help you tell the story?
A member of the Patient Experience and Involvement team can help you tell your story in a way that you are comfortable with. They will arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss how this can best be done.

What sort of things do I need to include?
It’s your story, you own it so you can go into as much or as little detail as you like. We may well ask questions to make sure we fully understand your experience so that we get the details right. It is always beneficial to hear about how your journey made you feel at different points, what was important to you at different stages and then to hear about the good and the bad. What was good? What needs changing? Where are you now in your recovery journey? What do you need going forward? Once your story is complete we will make sure you are happy with the final version before it goes elsewhere.


Where will it go?
Stories are shared with our senior leaders within the Trust including the Trust Board. This is so that those responsible for large scale changes in services can hear about how decisions affect people. With your permission it’ll also be shared with staff at all levels to identify improvements, make changes where needed or share positive messages.


Apply to be an Lived Experience Consultant (LEC)
What is an LEC?
An LEC is a volunteering role and those appointed use their experiences of mental health services – as a service user or a carer of someone experiencing mental health difficulties – to influence the delivery and quality of services we provide.

They also help represent the interests and views of other local service users and carers, and promote others to get involved.

What does an LEC do?
LEC’s can get involved in an array of different ways, below are some examples of potential involvement opportunities you can take part in;

  • Build links with local service user & carer, community and voluntary groups to help join people and services together.
  • Support other service users and carers at mental health forums and events out in the community.
  • Visit wards and services to speak to patients.
  • Participate in focus groups on the development of policies, strategies and improvement plans.
  • Review patient leaflets and posters.
  • Attend strategic meetings (e.g. Trust Board).
  • Participate in the recruitment process for new staff.
  • Promote opportunities to get involved in your local area and across the Black Country.
  • Undertake training opportunities, alongside staff, that are offered within the Trust e.g. equality & diversity, safeguarding.
  • Help to ensure the patient/carers voice is heard when improving services.


What is it like to be an LEC?
To find out what two LEC’s think of the role please watch the videos below:

Ciaran's journey

Helen's story


How can I apply to be an LEC?
If you wish to be considered as an LEC please contact the Patient Experience and Involvement team via email at or call 0800 587 7720 and a member of the team will be in touch.

Your LEC involvement will vary based around your current commitments. Activities will be based on your availability, interests and the amount of time you are able to commit to the role.

To carry out the LEC role, we will provide:

  • A laptop.
  • A '' e-mail account.
  • A photo ID.
  • Reimbursement for out of pocket expenses such as car mileage and parking, or bus, train or taxi fare.
  • Training to support you in the role, but also to develop your skills.


Become a member

You can also become a public member of the Trust which means you will be kept up-to-date with news and events, including opportunities to get involved in the work of the Trust. To find out more about Memberships, please visit our page here or get in touch! 
