Everyone feels anxious sometimes, and it is a normal response to some of life’s challenges, like exams or redundancy or moving home. But if worrying starts to take over and gets in the way of living life, then we might have an anxiety problem. 

Generalised anxiety is when we worry all of the time, feel tense and find it hard to sleep.

Panic is when we feel an overwhelming surge of anxiety that makes us want to leave the situation.

Other types of anxiety include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which can follow a trauma, such as an accident or abuse. Anxiety to do things over and over again to stop bad things happening is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is when you have anxiety to do things repeatedly. The best way to help yourself recover from anxiety is to gradually start doing the things you have avoided. Learning to relax can also help. This website has lots of ideas and resources to help you.


Self Help Guides

Self Help Books
The Books on Prescription scheme offers self-management books that are highly recommended by reputable practitioners and organisations. Many of the books are self-help versions of evidence-based treatments. They offer a way of helping you to help yourself to take control of your life.

You can borrow the books from your local library, free of charge.

For details of local libraries visit your local council/authority website.

If you use a book from the scheme, and it doesn’t help, you should ask your GP for further advice.

Overcoming Anxiety by Helen Kennerley
Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness by Gillian Butler
Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic by Chris Williams
The Worry Cure: Stop Worrying and Start Living by Robert L. Leahy
How to Stop Worrying by Frank Tallis
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers
Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems by Colin A. Espie
Overcoming Panic by Derrick Silove
Overcoming Health Anxiety by David Veale and Rob Wilson
An Introduction to Coping with Health Anxiety by Brenda Hogan and Charles Young
Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by David Veale and Rob Willson
Understanding Obsessions and Compulsions by Frank Tallis
Break Free from OCD: Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with CBT by Fiona Challacombe, Victoria Bream Oldfield and Paul M. Salkovskis
An Introduction to Coping with Phobias by Hogan