Our Board of Directors

Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is run by a Board of Directors made up of Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Board has a responsibility to ensure the quality and safety of the services provided by the Trust and to deliver them in an effective, efficient and economical manner.

We have a team of nine executive directors who are responsible for the day to day running of our organisation.

Chief Executive: Marsha Foster

Marsha Foster - Chief Executive.pngMarsha began her NHS career in 1995 via the NHS General Management Training Scheme. She then undertook a range of general management and service development posts within mental health services in Birmingham and Solihull, before project managing a number of NHS mergers.

Marsha was the project director for the formation of Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. Since then, she has developed a wide range of Board level experience, including operations, HR, communications and stakeholder engagement.

Marsha was appointed to the position of Chief Executive in January 2023.


Chief Operations Officer: Chris Masikane Image of Chris Masikane

Chris started his career as a general nurse, qualifying in 1987 and has a wealth of experience having worked in both acute, community and mental health services. He joined the Board at Black Country Partnership as Director of Operations, having previously been Divisional Director for Learning Disabilities and Children, Young People and Families. 

Chris is passionate about delivering high quality care and supporting the wellbeing of staff.


Chief Medical Officer: Dr Mark Weaver

Image of Doctor Mark Weaver

Mark grew up in the Midlands and qualified at Kings College Hospital Medical School. Following post-graduate psychiatric qualifications in Birmingham, he completed higher training as a Senior Registrar, followed by a Clinical Research Fellowship and Consultant post in General Adult Psychiatry at St Bartholomew’s Hospital London. He was also lecturer and examiner for the undergraduate psychiatry course, examined for the University of London final MBBS examinations and ran the Royal College of Psychiatrists membership course.

Since 2004 he has been a Consultant in General Adult Psychiatry in Walsall and a senior medical manager since 2005. He was Medical Director at Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and a Board member since 2012. He is an alumnus of the Kings Fund Top Managers Programme and has a particular interest in leadership development and culture.


Acting Chief Medical Officer: Dr Madhava Rao Picture of Dr Madhava Rao, Acting Chief Medical Officer

Dr Madhava Rao began his career in Mental Health by graduating with a MD in Psychiatry from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India.  Since coming to the UK in 1998, he qualified as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in 2003.

He joined Black Country Mental Health Trust in 2006 as a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist for Sandwell CAMHS and has also previously held the post of Medical Director for legacy Trust, Black Country Partnership.

Dr Rao’s clinical work is with Children and Families, however he has huge interest in improving our work with primary care so that mental health support is available earlier and closer to our Black Country population. He is also passionate about working with local hospitals and communities to help strengthen the urgent response to patients who need acute medical health support receive.

In May 2024, Dr Rao was appointed to the position of Acting Chief Medical Officer.


Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy CEO: Carolyn Green

Carolyn Green (2) WEB.jpgCarolyn Green is the Chief Nurse at Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. With extensive healthcare leadership experience, Carolyn steps into this pivotal role with a focus on personalised care recovery principles.

She is committed to involving people with lived experiences of mental health services in service evaluation, education, and quality improvement programs.

Carolyn always embraces technology and innovation and has designed many technical solutions during her NHS career. Her journey in healthcare began as a mental health nurse in South and West London in 1995. Since then, she has achieved a Masters in Health Service Management and served as a Senior Lecturer and Visiting Fellow.

Her passion for compassionate care and dedication to leveraging technology and innovation will help drive positive change and enhance the overall patient experience at Black Country Healthcare.

Carolyn was appointed Interim Deputy Chief Executive Officer for a 12 month period from September 2024.


Image of Georgina Dean

Chief Finance Officer: Georgina Dean

Georgina has worked in the NHS since 2007 after nine years at Price Waterhouse Coopers where she worked with NHS organisations focusing on financial improvement and turnaround.

She has extensive experience in finance working across mental health and acute specialist providers and more recently at NHS England and NHS Improvement.

Georgina has also led IT, performance and Informatics teams, developing and implementing a digital strategy. She is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England Wales.


Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer and Deputy CEO: Kuli Kaur-Wilson

Kuli Kaur-Wilson - Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer.pngKuli Kaur-Wilson is the chief strategy and partnerships officer at Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, and executive-lead for the systems Black Country MH/LDA Lead Provider.

This was one of the very first lead provider arrangements established for locally commissioned MH and LDA services in the country, which brought strategic system planning, commissioning, resource allocation and quality assurance together alongside the provision of services. Kuli leads on the development of a range of partnerships, and the advancement of MH/LDA health equity. 

Kuli was appointed Interim Deputy Chief Executive Officer for a 12 month period from September 2024.


Chief People Officer: Ashi WilliamsImage of Ashi Williams

Ashi has over 14 years’ experience working in the NHS, in both provider and commissioner settings. She has an MSc in HR Management and Business, and is also a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personal Development. She is also a member of the West Midlands HPMA Committee supporting the development of HR and OD professionals.

Ashi is passionate about ensuring people have the right skills and resources to do their jobs well, and that their health and wellbeing is looked after.


Dr Laura McGowan - Chief Clinical Information Officer.png

Chief Clinical Information Officer:
Dr Laura McGowan 

Laura is a clinical psychologist who works within the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Wolverhampton. Her appointment as Chief Clinical Information Officer is an important step forward as the organisation looks to deliver its digital strategy, ensuring that the needs of patients are at the heart. 


Chief Therapies Officer: Susan Van GenderenImage of Susan Van Genderen.jpg 

Susan Van Genderen joined the Trust as the Director of Therapies in March 2023 and went on to become Chief Therapies Officer. She previously worked as Lead Psychologist for Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust.

Susan began working in the Black Country over 26 years ago as an assistant psychologist in learning disabilities. During her career she has worked across a range of services including eating disorders and community mental health. Susan was the improving access to psychological therapies lead for Trust for 12 years.

Alongside her clinical work, Susan has also been a lecturer at the University of Birmingham.

Non-executive directors (NEDs) are members of the Trust’s Board of Directors, but don’t form part of the management team. They provide an independent oversight at Trust Board meetings and on committees.

Interim Chair: Philip GaylePhillip Gayle.jpg

Philip joined the Trust on an interim basis at the beginning of December 2024. 

He brings deep NHS and commercial experience to the role. He has been at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust since 2019, first as a Non-Executive Director before becoming Deputy Chair in 2022 and substantive Chair in March 2023, a position he will continue in.

Mr Gayle has extensive knowledge and leadership experience within the health, social care and housing sectors. In addition, to specialised skills as a business consultant, in transformation and improving organisational performance. 



Non-Executive Director: David MoonImage of David Moon

David is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy and has an MBA. He has worked in healthcare for over 35 years with over 20 years’ experience on boards of NHS or related bodies.

David is currently a part-time Management Consultant advising on strategic finance working for SWFT Clinical Services Ltd supporting the Foundation Group (South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, George Eliot NHS Trust and Wye Valley NHS Trust) as well as supporting other NHS bodies.

His most recent NHS role was as Chief Finance and Strategy Officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. Prior to that he was a Director of Health Value for Money at the National Audit Office.

David is a Trustee of Shipston Home Nursing and a Non-Executive Director of Innovate Healthcare Services Ltd.

Non-Executive Director: Shaukat Ali

Shaukat has over 27 years' experience working in health, local authorityImage of Shaukat Ali​ and voluntary sector organisations, and has an in-depth understanding of the NHS. He is currently the shadow cabinet member for Public Health and Adult Social Care, and has been an elected member in Dudley for the past 21 years.

Shaukat has previously worked in director roles at Dudley Citizens Advice Bureaux and St Thomas’s Community Network, as well as being deputy leader of the council, and has held various cabinet positions including regeneration and economic development, social services, housing and finance.



Non-Executive Director: Alison Geeson

Alison has extensive professional experience within nursing, nursingImage of Alison Geeson​ leadership, senior management, leading investigations and developing nursing education. She is currently a senior lecturer in mental health nursing at University of Wolverhampton, and her nursing career spans 29 years within the NHS. 

Alison previously worked as a head of nursing at Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust - one of the two organisations that came together to form Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, and has vast experience in partnership working at clinical, operational and strategic levels. 

She is also an executive member of the Royal College of Nursing, taking responsibility for the development of delivery of local learning events across the Black Country. 


Non-Executive Director: Saba GondalImage of Saba Gondal

Saba is an accomplished transformational leader with extensive experience in the public and private sector including the NHS, local authorities, strategic comminissioning and the education sector.

A local resident and passionate supporter of public services, Saba is keen to bring innovative approaches to organisational transformation in order to address inequalities and modernise services. 

In the last few years, Saba has been working with active investors, in a consultant capacity and co-investor to develop a range of businesses. She has a track record of developing and delivering highly effective strategies in complex environments to turnaround services and build reputation for quality.


Non-Executive Director: Roger Dunshea Image of Roger Dunshea

Roger started his NHS career as a student nurse in Glasgow. Over the years he developed his career in clinical, operational and financial management. This has included growing his expertise in regulatory systems, governance and service delivery.

In recent years he has completed successful terms as an independent audit committee member with the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Medical Research Council and as a lay member of the General Chiropractic Council.


Non-Executive Director: Rachel McCartyRachel McCarty_Non-Exec Director.jpg

Rachel joined the Trust at the beginning of December 2024. She lives in Warwickshire and has worked across the Black Country for many years. 

Rachel is a Registered Nurse by background and has worked for provider services in Sandwell, Walsall, Dudley, Birmingham and most recently Nottingham. She has worked in the NHS for 30 years and has spent the last 14 years working in the charitable sector focusing on end of life and palliative care.

Rachel has a MSc in ‘Managing Partnerships in Health & Social Care’ gained at the University of Birmingham. She has led partnership working with several organisations to improve access for patients requiring care. 

Rachel is conversant with aspects of compliance, assurance, and regulation. She has held lead responsibility as Registered Manager, Executive Lead Nurse, Safeguarding Lead, Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer and Infection Control Lead.   Rachel brings experience of operationally managing a wide variety of provider services within various settings including, hospice services, community provider services, intermediate care, discharge services and long-term conditions fields.

She has developed services from their inception including Hospice at Home, Lymphoedema, Community Nursing and Intermediate Care. Rachel brings a variety of clinical and strategic experience, a governance/quality background and operational leadership to the role. In addition, she has extensive partnership working experience. She has led complex investigations within large public sector organizations, and brings a fresh strategic approach to the role whilst using her extensive public and third sector knowledge.


Non-Executive Director: Dr Janet BaileyDr Janet Bailey_resized.png

Janet has over 40 years’ experience as a Registered Nurse. She has extensive knowledge and leadership experience gained by working at operational and strategic level across health, social care, public services, the independent and voluntary sectors, as well as expertise and skills in Higher Education as a teacher, practice lead and researcher. She has Masters’ degrees in Advanced Nursing Practice and Mental Health Law, and a Doctorate in Health and Wellbeing.  

Janet lives locally and has worked across the Black Country for many years. She was appointed in November 2021 and took up her role in January 2022.


Members of the public or press can view papers for the January board meeting using the following link: March 2025 Board Papers

Members of the public and press are also encouraged to submit questions on the agenda for the next board meeting to the Trust Secretary, Katrina Smith at k.smith136@nhs.net.






1 May 2024

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Board Room, Jubilee House, Bloxwich Lane, WS2 7JL

5 June 2024

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Training Room, Gem Centre, Wolverhampton, WV11 3PG

7 August 2024

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Committee Room 5, The Civic Centre, Wolverhampton

2 October 2024

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Committee Room 5, The Civic Centre, Wolverhampton

6 November 2024

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Room PC108, Wolverhampton Science Park, Creative Industry Building

15 January 2025

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Wolverhampton Science Park
5 March 2025

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Conference Room 1, Dudley Technology College







7 May 2025

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Committee Room 5, The Civic Centre, Wolverhampton

June 2025 – date TBC

(extra-ordinary meeting to sign off annual report and accounts)



2 July 2025

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Conference Room 1, Dudley Technology College
3 September 2025

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Committee Room 5, The Civic Centre, Wolverhampton
5 November 2025

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Conference Room 1, Dudley Technology College
21 January 2026

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Conference Room 1, Dudley Technology College
4 March 2026

10.15am public

2.00pm private

Conference Room 1, Dudley Technology College





11 April  2025

11am – 1.00pm


11 July 2025

11am – 1.00pm TBC


11am – 1.00pm


10 October 2025

11am – 1.00pm


16 January 2026

11am – 1.00pm TBC

Board of Directors Register of Interests

2025 Trust Board Meeting Papers

2024 Trust Board Meeting Papers

2023 Trust Board Meeting Papers

2022 Trust Board Meeting Papers

2021 Trust Board Meeting Papers

2020 Trust Board Meeting Papers