Welcome to our Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust digital strategy - 21/22 and beyond.

Our clinical ambition is to provide services that are of outstanding quality and support people to live their best lives as part of their community.

Our digital ambition is to provide excellent computers, phones and electronic systems that empower our communities to choose how they interact with us and enable our staff to work seamlessly from anywhere.

The strategy sets out our ambitions for how we are going to deliver multiple benefits to our patients, staff and communities.

Patient benefits will include more holistic care, more choice, greater empowerment and better clinical outcomes.

Staff benefits will include releasing more time to care, more team cohesion, more flexible working and more digital confidence. The best possible mental health and learning disabilities care for those who use our services. 

In developing the strategy we've worked closely with staff, patients, families, carers, commissioners and other key partners, listening to their concerns and ambitions. Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped to shape our future.

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If you would like to request a copy in another format please contact bchft.communications@nhs.net or call 01384 325015.